As with any interfering behavior, it is important to determine the function so that function-based interventions can be implemented. Use a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) or Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) to determine the specific reason why the student is eloping since it can meet a variety of wants or needs. There are four main functions of behavior: Sensory, Escape, Attention, and Tangible. Additionally, behavior is often used as a way to communicate so Communication can be considered another function of behavior especially when eloping is used to meet a variety of needs. Below we will describe what eloping may look like for each behavior function as well as strategies to try.Function: Sensory
Looks Like:- Student enjoys running
- Student is in constant motion
- Student seeks vestibular input
- consult with OT
- proactively schedule vestibular input (i.e. swinging, delivery job)
- use alternative seating to provide vestibular input (i.e. Zuma rocker, rocking chair, therapy ball)
Function: Escape
Looks Like:
- Student runs as soon as work is presented
- Student runs when the environment is overstimulating
Escape Interventions for Eloping:
- incorporate special interests
- reduce task demands
- use forced choices
- develop reinforcement system
- use visual supports to communicate work expectations (i.e. visual contract, structured work system, To Do list, visual countdown)
Function: Attention
Looks Like:
- Student appears to find enjoyment in being chased
- Student turns and looks for adults before running
Attention Interventions for Eloping:
- refrain from emotional response
- do not chase student because this can create a game
Function: Tangible
Looks Like:
- Student runs to another area of the classroom or school to attempt to gain access to a preferred item
Tangible Interventions for Eloping:
- develop reinforcement system to allow student to earn time to run
- use visual supports or social stories to remind student when they can run (i.e. P.E., outdoor recess)
Function: Communication
Looks Like:
- Student runs to communicate a variety of functions
Communication Interventions for Eloping:
- consult with SLP
- provide direct instruction of replacement communication modes
- provide visual cue and/or AAC to facilitate replacement communication
Safety Supports
When eloping is at its most extreme, it may be necessary to implement one or more safety measures to make it more challenging for the student to elope outside of the classroom. You may need to get prior approval from administrators before implementing some of these supports.
Wandering/Elopement Resources
- The Cincinnati Children's DDBP Social Workers for families has compiled a list of resources and products to reduce safety risk which includes Elopement and Wandering
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