Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A-LIST Spotlight: Paraprofessional Michelle Hiegel at Miami East

Our team has had the pleasure of working with Michelle Hiegel at Miami East Local School District for several years and have been so impressed by her independence, consistent supports, and ability to advocate for her students and teach them to advocate for themselves. That is why we are so excited to feature Michelle in today's A-LIST Spotlight! Read below to learn more about Michelle and the supports she implements for her students.

My name is Michelle Hiegel. I am an Intervention Paraprofessional at Miami East LSD. I am currently pursuing my Masters at the University of Dayton studying Prek-5 Early Childhood Education with Dual Intervention Licensure. I am currently working in the K-8 building, with a focus this year in the Junior High with 7th and 8th-grade students. I assist with scribing for students with Dysgraphia and assist with "organizing their thoughts" as I like to call it. I do small group readings aloud for testing and instruction for ELA, as well as small group instruction or testing for Math. I assist in inclusion for American History and Science as well. I have had the pleasure of working alongside some of the most wonderful staff at Miami East. The ability to be flexible with learning styles, sensory needs, "reset/recharge" breaks, and social-emotional skills/communication has really helped myself and the students I work with be successful!

1.) Some students need a tangible gratification or reward for completing work, on time, and turning it in. I purchased a puzzle related to his interest, and we made a contract to agree on how he could earn his pieces daily. Each day that he completed AND turned in his work on time for class, he would receive ONE piece (math, science, ELA, History -4 total) he could earn in one day. I also explained to him that he could keep the puzzle once it was completed. He received an incentive almost every day, every class, and when he did not, I gave him the opportunity to earn it the next day by completing additional work (AR points not due yet, ALEX math assignments, etc.). This worked wonderfully!

2.) The zen garden gives kiddos that are a little older a creative outlet and a place to relax

3.) Understanding what we "do" physically and how it makes us "think" through it, helps students get a better grasp on what they "feel"! 

4.) These are the "react vs respond rules" for my room! I say them often and students also say them to themselves when we have conversations about our situations/emotions/reactions.

5.) I often talk about growth mindset with kids and how they may say something to themselves or about a teacher or friend, and this gives them an alternative response on how we can work through those challenging moments!

6.) This tool came from the SLP to assist in individualized goals for a student and to track the progress of how they have grown throughout the years. I really enjoy this! Especially when we discuss with the student THEIR perspective of themselves and their own goal! Self-awareness is awesome!

7.) Graphic Organizers are my BFF! :)


8.) I have a student who struggles with a planner...loathes the planner! So, with this smaller personalized planner page for the WEEK, they can keep track of all their assignments in ONE place, especially if it requires multiple days of work!

9.) A "quick reference" sheet for 8th-grade math I created so all the notes were compiled into one spot!

10.) Schedules EVERYWHERE! :) Especially on delay days!

11.) Sensory Tool Box to assist in the need of what we are "seeking", as well as the body sock for compression breaks!

A very special thank you to Michelle for sharing these fabulous supports with us and most importantly for the exceptional work she does each day with her students!

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