Monday, October 31, 2016

A-LIST SPOTLIGHT: Jody Chick, Yellow Spring H.S.

The Miami Valley ACT team is proud to spotlight A-LISTer Jody Chick's High School classroom in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Jody shared some great examples of evidence-based practices while we were visiting including Visual Supports including group and individual routine mini-schedules to communicate expectations to students and increase independence.

Many classrooms have a class-wide or individual daily schedule that helps students to navigate their environment and better understand the routine of the school day. However, they sometimes need the additional support of a mini-schedule so they better understand the expectations within a designated location.

Additionally, the visual presentation of expectations helps communicate them as a "rule" or something concrete and often this prevents students from trying to negotiate about what is expected.

Jody also uses another evidence-based practice of teaching Self-Management through one of our favorite curriculums, The Zones of Regulation written and created by Leah Kuypers. Jody uses the concept of "expected" and "unexpected" behaviors to help students better understand how their behavior influences others. This is am important concept to directly teach since many students with ASD struggle with theory of mind.

Additionally, Jody has an area of her classroom designated to regular Zones Check-Ins so she can gauge where her students are when starting the day or an activity. Once students have checked in, Jody can use this information to help them use their self-management strategies as needed.

Another great EBP found in Jody's classroom is the use of Structured Work Systems. 

Jody has individualized these stations to communicate expectations in a way that each student understands. We love her use of mini cork boards to hold visual tools such as the visual contract which is another great example of an evidence-based practice of Reinforcement!

Finally, we noticed that Jody is also using reinforcement through incorporating interests during leisure time through the use of high-interest magazines. What a great way to keep kids interested in an age-appropriate way!

Thank you Jody for allowing us to visit your room and for being such a wonderful example of evidence-based practices for area teachers! 

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