Some students struggle with poor focus and a lack
of motivation or perseveration, this can make it very challenging to complete
everyday tasks. This week's Sensational Social Skills will feature strategies
for teaching students to stay on track using the Pillars of Performance (PoP)
framework. PoP is a framework we use to help students acquire and apply social
skills. These pillars include: PRACTICE, PRIME, PROMPT &
PRAISE. We have created a series of PoP cards to directly teach
critical social skills.
First, introduce the concept of staying on track
with a social narrative like the one below:
Narrative: Staying on track means sticking with something until it is
done. A successful person knows how to stay on track. Staying on track can be
hard when the task feels very difficult or really boring. There are tricks you can use to help you
stay on track. When you stay on track
and get things done, you will feel happy and proud!
Click the image below for a free handout of the Stay on Track PoP card. Print,
cut out and laminate the card to use as a visual support when teaching this
makes perfect. In order to master any skill you need to deliberatly practice
the skill. This makes it much easier to apply the skill in the moment when you
need it the most. Try some of these practice activities to strengthen skills.
Repeat, repeat, then repeat.

Time to
Use the priming bullets on the Stay on Track card to review the
strategies you have practiced. If these strategies are fresh in the mind of
your student, the student is more likely to apply the strategies. Make a point
of reviewing these strategies prior to starting a challenging or non-preferred
task. Present the checklist with steps needed for completion. It helps to
identify what will motivate the student to stay on track and write it at the
bottom of the checklist. Next, have the student engage in the calming strategy
for a minute or more. These are all
strategies that have been practiced so the student should be very familiar with
how to implement them. The priming session should be a positive pep talk to
review these strategies and instill confidence in your student. If the student does not like to talk about
it, simply give them the card as a visual reminder. By priming the student, you
are setting them up for success.
Even with a priming session, the student may become
distracted before finishing the task. Use the Stay on Track card as an in-the-moment, nonverbal prompt to get
back to work. If the student is easily frustrated, prompt or model the use of
the calming strategy.
Consider other nonverbal prompts such as walking by
and tapping on the checklist, pointing to the specific step they should be
working. If they are unmotivated, point to the reward written at the bottom. Avoid
engaging in verbal prompting as this may open the door for off-topic
conversation or argumentative behaviors.
That’s it! Those are the 4 pillars to teach your students to
stay focused and persevere. Each pillar is important in supporting the application
and generalization of these critical skills. Taking the time to implement all 4
pillars will result in the outcome you want. It may take some time so be
patient and have fun with it. Teaching the skill with a positive attitude will
help the student develop a positive association with the strategies. Developing
your student’s confidence and ownership of the goal will help your student
For more information on teaching perseverance, check out our previous blog post:
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